Studio Orange Begins Pre-production

  / by Matt

The Studio Orange core team is now complete, together in Amsterdam and we have begun the pre-production phase of our open movie project!

We have a brand new website, with a blog that we’ll keep up to date with snippets about the movie, concepts and shots, technical tests and info, and general ramblings from the team. Explore the site and keep checking back often to see our progress! Feel free to post your comments here, too. We hope to use this to enable more open interaction with external volunteers, but more on that later!

For the next six weeks, we will be working on concept design, scripting, storyboards, technical research and development, in order to present a teaser trailer at the 2005 Blender Conference in Amsterdam. From here on, production will begin in earnest and continue until our deadline next year.

To help make this project a continued success, please help us out by pre-ordering the extended edition DVD with the movie, making-of documentary and all production files as Creative Commons open content. Check it out at the e-shop!

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4 Responses to “Studio Orange Begins Pre-production”

  1. marlopax said on 9 Sep, 2005:

    want to involbe with u.
    currently useing blender

  2. Rajorshi said on 15 Sep, 2005:

    want to involbe and want to buy a CDRom of Orange
    can u consider the prize of the Cd so that i can effort it

  3. marlopax said on 15 Sep, 2005:

    Please inform me if u need me to involbe in ur Orange Project

  4. Kevin said on 21 Sep, 2005:

    Hi Folks,

    First thanks for Blender. It makes me want to be a better man ;)

    Ok, so on to my question…I read somewhere that the DVD will only be in PAL format or something like that. I don’t think I’ll be able to play that here (u.s.) on my DVD and figured others may run into the same problem…

    Is that true…is there a work around?

    Best of luck and can’t wait to see it.

