The result of this project will be a short movie, which will be distributed under the Creative Commons license which means it will be freely available worldwide for public viewing and redistribution without royalty demands or written permission from the original copyright owners. The movie will become available in three ways:
* Downloadable version
→ Movie in medium size quality, optimal for internet distribution.
→ Available on and other websites
* DVD, extended edition
→ Movie itself in maximum (wide screen) video quality
→ The Making-Of documentary
→ All the digital files (Creative Commons) and software (GPL) as used for the animation production
→ Resale via e-shop
* 35 mm Film
→ Targeted at movie theaters and festivals
→ Rental costs covering expenses for reproduction and distribution
The movie will be submitted to festivals worldwide, such as the Siggraph Theatre, Cannes Film Festival or the Dutch Animation Festival.
The concept is currently being developed by Bassam Kurdali, Andy Goralczyk and Ton Roosendaal. New team members will be involved with this too.
In cooperation with Montevideo the concept then will be further worked out into a full script. Work on definite storyboards is scheduled to start in first week of September, when the team is together to start working.
At this time it is not clear at what level the script or storyboard will be public during the creative and production process. One of the key aspects of the project is to have a small team of people working closely together for a short period, it might help their creative synergy when not every idea or trial or decision is public immediately.
On the other hand we’ll depend on contributions from the community as well. This will be one of the aspects the team will further study on.